The All Over Workout

The All Over Workout

As we all know it can be hard to get an all over workout. Luckily I found the exercise list that will work. If the amount of the exercise isn’t enough just do more. Don’t forget to warm up before and a cool down after your workout.


5 push-ups

1 full bridge

10 tricep dips

10 incline push-ups

5 burpees


10 squats

20 lunges

10 side lunges

15 standing calf raises

5 jump squats


20 bird dogs

:30 superman

1 full bridge

15 short bridges

:30 superman


:30 plank

15 vertical leg crunches

20 oblique crunches

20 side planks

:30 plank


Thanks for reading,

Interval Running Workout

Interval Running Workout

Alright now my favorite exercise/ workout plan is interval running. This is the workout plan I do, and I thought I would share with you. Plus it burns calories like no other. This is good for a beginning runner and an intermediate runner.

Interval Running:

2:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

:30 Walk

1:30 Light jog

:30 Sprint

1:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

:30 Walk

1:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

1:00 Light jog

:30 Walk


Exercise: Quiet Workout Routine

Exercise: Quiet Workout Routine

It’s storming where I live, and so I can’t go outside, and this is perfect for the current situation. This is a great workout routine if you live in a apartment with a roommate, you have a new baby, or you can’t get outside to do your normal routine. So if you want a good workout, but need to keep it quiet try this routine.

Quiet Workout Routine

10 front kicks

20 uppercuts

10 lunge kicks (each leg)

15 squats

5 kneeling push-ups

40 russian twists

20 crunches

10 standing calf raises

5 tricep dips

15 glute kickbacks (each leg)

:30 plank

20 vertical leg crunches

:20 side plank (each side)

10 short bridges

20 bird-dogs

5 kneeling push-ups

10 jackknife sit-ups

20 lunges

10 squats

10 standing calf raises

:45 plank

Total Cardio Challenge

Total Cardio Challenge

I haven’t really posted anything about cardio yet until now. Since cardio is a huge factor in fat loss. This is a great workout to do if you can’t get outside to do your normal workout either.

Total Cardio Challenge

40 jumping jacks

:30 jumping rope

:20 high knees

:20 butt kicks

30 mountain climbers

5 jump squats

5 burpees

:30 jumping rope


25 jumping jacks

20 pivoting upper cuts

:30 march in place

5 burpees

35 jumping jacks

:40 jumping rope

5 jump squats

:30 high knees

Exercise: 8 Ab Exercises

Exercise: 8 Ab Exercises

Alright now we know how hard it can be to work your lower stomach, and we know it’s even harder to work off those love handles. So if you’ve been trying to work off those love handles or that muffin top than the following exercises are for you.

#1 The Side Crunch– The side crunch is a difficult move, because it tests your balance.

How to: Kneel on the floor and lean all the way over on your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.

Keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg and point your toes.

Place your left hand behind your head pointing your elbow toward the ceiling.

Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as your extend your arm above your leg with your facing forward.

Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage toward your hip.

Lower to your starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times.

#2 The Hundred

How to: Sit tall with your knees bent by your chest and your hands at your sides.

Lie down with your knees bent and your palms facing down.

Exhale and raise your head and shoulders off the mat.

Vigorously pump your arms 6 inches up and down, reaching with your fingertips.

Inhale for 5 pumps then exhale for 5 pumps. Make sure you curl your chin in toward your chest.

Do 100 pumps, or 10 full breaths.

Try to keep your lower back pressed in toward the floor and keep your lower abs pulled in toward your spine. You should keep your abs engaged this way throughout the workout.

#3 Opposite Arm and Leg Raise– I do this during my warm-up, and this move helps make me feel steadier and really balanced thanks to my core. 

How to: Begin on all fours, aligning your knees under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders.

Raise your left are to shoulder height and your right leg to hip height .

Hold this pose for 2 counts, reaching forward with your finger and back with your heels.

Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.

Do 15 to 20 reps, alternating sides.

#4 The Prone Plank– I do this everyday twice a day, and I can feel it working my abs and arms.

How to: Get into a full push-up position with your palms on the floor beneath your shoulders.

Hold here for 30 seconds, with your abs contracted and your arms and legs extended and your spine aligned.

As you build strength hold this position longer.

#5 Squat Thrust with a Twist– I like this move it’s one of my favorite.

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you at shoulder height.

Begin by squatting down, bending your knees 90 degrees, and twisting your upper body to the left.

Now come up and repeat the exercise to the right.

Keep your weight in your heels and don’t allow your knees to jut forward away from your toes.

For the best results, bend your knees as close to 90 degrees as possible.

#6 The Climb upThis is one of the best lying down crunch moves I’ve done.

How to: Start by lying on the floor with a 3-foot long towel wrapped around the ball of your right foo, knees bent, left foot on the floor.

Hold the towel in both hands, and extend your right leg, keeping your foot flexed.

Slowly walk your hands up the towel as you lift your head and shoulder off the floor. Hold for a count of two.

Now lower yourself back to the starting position, walking your hands back down the towel.

Do two sets of 8 to 10 reps on each side. Be sure to keep your head neutral – don’t tuck your chin or tilt back.

#7  Ballet Twist– I like the side stretching in this half-crunch.

How to: Sit on the floor and extend your legs pressing them firmly together.

Lean back 45 degrees from the hips.

Keep your abs engaged as you bring both your arms overhead like a ballerina.

Slowly twist your torso to the right, placing your right arm on the mat. Keep your left arm reaching overhead for a slow count of 3.

Repeat the movement, keeping your left arm on the floor, and keeping your butt and heels on the floor.

Contract your abs to support your spine as you return to center bringing both arms overhead.

Continue alternating sides. Do 2 sets of 6 to 8 reps on each side.

#8 The Single Leg Stretch– My abs burn when I do this and after a few days my whole six-pack feels engaged.

Lie back in the center of your mat with your knees bent. Lift your head and shoulders and curl your chin in toward your chest.

Inhale as you draw your left knee in toward your chest, placing your left hand on your ankle and your right hand on your knee.

Lift your leg about 45 degrees off the floor.

Switch legs, extending your left leg while hugging your right leg to your chest.

Switch hand positions each time you switch legs, placing your right hand on your right ankle and your left hand on your right knee.

Do between 5 and 10 reps for each side.

Healthy Eating: Knowing Your Portions

Healthy Eating: Knowing Your Portions

The hardest part about eating healthy for some is portion control. This is mainly due to the fact that most don’t know what a portion is, and sometimes we think that the portion of certain foods isn’t enough. So if you find that you have trouble with portion control here is ten tips for knowing your portions.

1. Never eat from the box

2. Keep healthy snack options in sight

3. Use vegetables to fill up your plate

4. Know how big your plate or bowl is

5. Focus on meals – no tv, no laptop

6. Buy your cravings when you crave them

7. Leave the serving bowls in the kitchen

8. Dim the lights, it slows you down

9. Brush your teeth when you finish eating

10. Understand what a serving size is

Exercise: Interval Running

Exercise: Interval Running

Alright now my favorite exercise/ workout plan is interval running. Plus it burns calories like no other. This is good for a beginning runner and an intermediate I do this about 8 rounds with about a :30 water break in between each round as well.

Interval Running:

2:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

:30 Walk

1:30 Light jog

:30 Sprint

1:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

:30 Walk

1:00 Light jog

:30 Sprint

1:00 Light jog

:30 Walk